Farming Redefined with Cutting-Edge Technology

We bring our farm Closer to your home

Container farm 300 sq ft - 1,500 sq ft

Warehouse Farm 3,000 sq ft - 6,000sq ft

Commercial Farm 30,000 sq ft - 90,000sq ft

Happiness With Health

“From us to you” within 24 hours or less.

flavorful freshness

See Click the image

Hear Click the image to play audio.

Taste Fresher, Tastier, Crunchier!

Freshly produced with ZERO pesticide, 95% less water 100% cleaner, fresher & Safer.

Other Vertical Farms


agroz Controlled-Environment Agriculture (CEA) Indoor Vertical Farms




My mum in-law, my 2 boys and I ate the salad with steak+pasta yesterday. We ate the Agroz fresh vegetables without any dressing. It was super crunchy and tasty!

Thank you for your effort to grow such an innovative happy vege.

Miss Magdalene

Had it over the weekend, aroma great, smell good taste awesome too.

Dr Lim

We tried the vegetables yesterday and it was really fresh and ‘crunchy’!

Monitar Tan

Fresh and tastes good. Love it!

Ms Tan

The best vegetable ever. Totally obsessed with the taste!


We Deliver Health & Happiness To Your Home With Fresh Vegetables